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Have Self Belief

by allinspiration.com

Look at people who are very happy with life, or who have achieved certain things in life. One common feeling almost all of them share is self-belief.

If you believe that you are something, you may be right. If you believe you are not something, however, you are definitely right. When you think you can, you may be right. When you think you can't, you're right!

Once you start convincing yourself that you are destined to fail, once you start making excuses for yourself, your body automatically tunes itself to your mindset, and it will prove you right - you will fail! And then, conveniently, you go, "I knew it!" This routine, however, actually makes us unhappy and unsatisfied. 

To the one who lacks self-belief, rejection spells failure, and a one-time failure spells permanent failure. To the one with self-belief, however, that is only a challenge. And he meets it.

Belief is an important prerequisite to success and happiness. And the first person who must believe in you is... you! When you do, soon, others will start believing in you too.




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