Franklin Roosevelt Quotes And Sayings


Franklin Roosevelt Quotes And Sayings

“Those newspapers of the nation which most loudly cried dictatorship against me would have been the first to justify the beginnings of dictatorship by somebody else.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Those of you who have been there Haiti know it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It has everything. It has everything above the ground, and everything under the ground. It is an amazing place. I strongly recommend that whenever you get a chance, if you haven’t been there, that you go to Haiti. I think it was a certain Queen of England who said that after her death Calais would be found written on her heart. When I die, I think that Haiti is going to be written on my heart. ”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“To reach a port, we must sail – sail, not tie at anchor – sail, not drift.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is asked. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Today we are faced with the preeminent fact that, if civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships… the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world, at peace.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Too often in recent history liberal governments have been wrecked on rocks of loose fiscal policy. ”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

War is a contagion.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We are a nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions bound together by a single unity, the unity of freedom and equality. Whoever seeks to set one nationality against another, seeks to degrade all nationalities. Whoever seeks to set one race against another seeks to enslave all races. Whoever seeks to set one religion against another, seeks to destroy all religion. ”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We are trying to construct a more inclusive society. We are going to make a country in which no one is left out.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We can afford all that we need; but we cannot afford all that we want.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We continue to recognize the greater ability of some to earn more than others. But we do assert that the ambition of the individual to obtain for him a proper security is an ambition to be preferred to the appetite for great wealth and great power.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We defend and we build a way of life, not for America alone, but for all mankind.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We have here a human as well as an economic problem. When humane considerations are concerned, Americans give them precedence. The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. ”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way. The third is freedom from want…. The fourth is freedom from fear.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“We, and all others who believe in freedom as deeply as we do, would rather die on our feet than live on our knees.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“When you see a rattlesnake poised to strike, you do not wait until he has struck to crush him.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Whoever seeks to set one religion against another seeks to destroy all religion.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941 – a date which will live on in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt

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