Marriage Love Quotes And Sayings
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“That quiet mutual gaze of a trusting husband and wife is like the first moment of rest or refuge from a great weariness or a great danger.”
– George Eliot
“A good marriage at age 50 predicted positive aging at 80. But, surprisingly, low cholesterol levels did not.”
– George Valliant
“In marriage, each partner is to be an encourager rather than a critic, a forgiver rather than a collector of hurts, an enabler rather than a reformer.”
– H. Norman Wright and Gary Oliver
“Committing to staying calm is the first key to committing to staying married.”
– Hal Runkel
“It is not marriage that fails; it is people that fail. All that marriage does is to show people up.”
– Harry Emerson Fosdick
“Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends.”
– Harville Hendrix
“Here’s to matrimony, the high sea for which no compass has yet been invented!”
– Heinrich Heine
“Well married a person has wings, poorly married shackles.”
– Henry Ward Beecher
“The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.”
– Henry Youngman
“Marriage is a commitment- a decision to do, all through life, that which will express your love for one’s spouse.”
– Herman H. Kieval
“Never strike your wife – even with a flower.”
– Hindu Proverb
“There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends.”
– Homer
“A good husband is never the first to go to sleep at night or the last to awake in the morning.”
– Honore de Balzac
“Being married is the nicest thing to be.”
– If a Man Answers
“Marriage provides the solace of worked-on friendship and the joy of being known profoundly.”
– Imogene Stubbs
“Don’t marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can’t live without.”
– James C. Dobson
“In the enriching of marriage, the big things are the little things. There must be constant appreciation for each other and thoughtful demonstration of gratitude. A couple must encourage and help each other grow. Marriage is a joint quest for the good, the beautiful, and the divine.”
– James E. Faust
“Woke up in bed with a gorgeous woman, who I’m going to have lunch and the rest of my life with.”
– Jason Barmer
“Marriage is survived just on the basis of ordinary etiquette, day in and day out. Also cooking together helps a lot.”
– Jim Harrison
“Marriage should be a duet – when one sings, the other claps.”
– Joe Murray
“Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“The sum which two married people owe to one another is defies calculation. It is an infinite debt, which can only be discharged through eternity.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Husbands and wives, recognize that in marriage you have become one flesh. If you live for your private pleasure at the expense of your spouse, you are living against yourself and destroying your joy. But if you devote yourself with all your heart to the holy joy of your spouse, you will also be living for your joy and making a marriage after the image of Christ and His church.”
– John Piper
“A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.”
– John Steinbeck
“A happy marriage has in it all the pleasures of friendship, all the enjoyment of sense and reason – and indeed all the sweets of life.”
– Joseph Addison
“Only choose in marriage a man whom you would choose as a friend if he were a woman.”
– Joseph Joubert
“Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can’t help but smile on it.”
– Josh Billings
“One advantage of marriage is that, when you fall out of love with him or he falls out of love with you, it keeps you together until you fall in again.”
– Judith Viorst
“The proof that you love someone is not that you have warm affectionate feelings toward them. The proof is in your actions, your words and your sacrifice, your willingness to give the best of yourself and your willingness to get nothing in return.”
– Katherine Walden
“What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility.”
– Leo Tolstoy
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