Spiritual Quotes And Sayings – For Growth And Inspiration


Spiritual Quotes And Sayings – For Growth And Inspiration

“Atheists maintain that spiritual experience is purely subjective, with no basis in a reality outside of the subject.”
– Robert Todd Carroll

“I believe that communism is another sad, bizarre chapter in human history whose last pages even now are being written. I believe this because the source of our strength in the quest for human freedom is not material, but spiritual. And because it knows no limitation, it must terrify and ultimately triumph over those who would enslave their fellow men.”
Ronald Reagan

God does not give heed to the ambitiousness of our prayers, because he is always ready to give to us his light, not a visible light but an intellectual and spiritual one; but we are not always ready to receive it when we turn aside and down to other things out of a desire for temporal things.”
– Saint Augustine

“Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations.”
– Samuel Ullman

“Grace is available for each of us every day – our spiritual daily bread – but we’ve got to remember to ask for it with a grateful heart and not worry about whether there will be enough for tomorrow.”
– Sarah Ban Breathnach

“Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.”
– Shakti Gawain

“The lash may force men to physical labor, it cannot force them to spiritual creativity.”
– Sholem Asch

“The real stumbling-block of totalitarian regimes is not the spiritual need of men for freedom of thought; it is men’s inability to stand the physical and nervous strain of a permanent state of excitement, except during a few years of their youth.”
– Simone Weil

“When once a certain class of people has been placed by the temporal and spiritual authorities outside the ranks of those whose life has value, then nothing comes more naturally to men than murder.”
– Simone Weil

“Spiritual superiority only sees the individual. But alas, ordinarily we human beings are sensual and, therefore, as soon as it is a gathering, the impression changes — we see something abstract, the crowd, and we become different. But in the eyes of God, the infinite spirit, all the millions that have lived and now live do not make a crowd, He only sees each individual.”
– Soren Kierkegaard

“When the mind is cleaned with the jewel of spiritual wisdom, it does not become dirty again. ”
– Sri Guru Granth Sahib

“You must enshrine in your hearts the spiritual urge towards light and love, Wisdom and Bliss!”
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba

“All spiritual practice must be directed to the removal of the husk and the revelation of the kernel.”
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba

“Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.”
– St. Francis de Sales

“He who interrupts the course of his spiritual exercises and prayer is like a man who allows a bird to escape from his hand; he can hardly catch it again.”
– St. John of the Cross

“Man cannot live without joy; therefore when he is deprived of true spiritual joys it is necessary that he become addicted to carnal pleasures.”
– St. Thomas Aquinas

“We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.”
– Stephen R. Covey

“There are certain things that are fundamental to human fulfillment. The essence of these needs is captured in the phrase ‘to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy’. The need to live is our physical need for such things as food, clothing, shelter, economical well-being, health. The need to love is our social need to relate to other people, to belong, to love and to be loved. The need to learn is our mental need to develop and to grow. And the need to leave a legacy is our spiritual need to have a sense of meaning, purpose, personal congruence, and contribution.”
– Stephen R. Covey

“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
– Swami Vivekananda

“Excellence encourages one about life generally; it shows the spiritual wealth of the world.”
– T.S. Eliot

“You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience.”
– Teilhard de Chardin

“Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.”
– Teilhard de Chardin

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
– Teilhard de Chardin

“A life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all. No man can serve two masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire.”
– Thomas Merton

“We stumble and fall constantly even when we are most enlightened. But when we are in true spiritual darkness, we do not even know that we have fallen.”
– Thomas Merton

“It is in the ordinary duties and labors of life that the Christian can and should develop his spiritual union with God.”
– Thomas Merton

“The degradation of the sense of symbol in modern society is one of its many signs of spiritual decay.”
– Thomas Merton

“By confronting us with irreducible mysteries that stretch our daily vision to include infinity, nature opens an inviting and guiding path toward a spiritual life.”
– Thomas More

Music is spiritual. The music business is not.”
– Van Morrison

“Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on earth to do. With such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.”
– Virgil

“For such will be our ruin if you, in the immensity of your public abstractions, forget the private figure, or if we in the intensity of our private emotions forget the public world. Both houses will be ruined, the public and the private, the material and the spiritual, for they are inseparably connected.”
– Virginia Woolf

“Only work which is the product of inner compulsion can have spiritual meaning.”
– Walter Gropius

“Flowers do not force their way with great strife. Flowers open to perfection slowly in the sun…. Don’t be in a hurry about spiritual matters. Go step by step, and be very sure.”
– White Eagle

“What is right? Simply put, it is any assignment in which the photographer has a significant spiritual stake…spiritually driven work constitutes the core of a photographer’s contribution to culture.”
– William Albert Allard

Government, obviously, cannot fill a child’s emotional needs. Nor can it fill his spiritual and moral needs. Government is not a father or mother. Government has never raised a child, and it never will.”
– William Bennett

“Great minds are to make others great. Their superiority is to be used, not to break the multitude to intellectual vassalage, not to establish over them a spiritual tyranny, but to rouse them from lethargy, and to aid them to judge for themselves.”
– William Ellery Channing

“To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not, rich; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common – this is my symphony. William Henry Channing’s Symphony: some background, and its appearance in an Arthur Brisbane editorial – from the 1906 collection, “Editorials From The Hearst Newspapers”"
– William Ellery Channing

“Evolution seems to close the heart to some of the plainest spiritual truths while it opens the mind to the wildest guesses advanced in the name of science.”
– William Jennings Bryan

“One aspect of modern life which has gone far to stifle men is the rapid growth of tremendous corporations. Enormous spiritual sacrifices are made in the transformation of shopkeepers into employees. . . . The disappearance of free enterprise has led to a submergence of the individual in the impersonal corporation in much the same manner as he has been submerged in the state in other lands.”
– William Orville Douglas

“No man has ever risen to the real stature of spiritual manhood until he has found that it is finer to serve somebody else than it is to serve himself.”
– Woodrow T. Wilson

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