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 Lynn's Laughter Blip for July

By Lynn Shaw, Laugh Therapist

In the midwest, life tends to s-l-o-w down in July, one of the hottest, stickiest, low energy times of the year. Vacations increase and comfortable temperatures decrease fitting the adage, "lazy days of summer." Things can get so slow in Indiana that a person can make a laughing sound "Ha Ha" and be done for the day! Okay, maybe that's stretching the hot weather impact! Unfortunately, sometimes summer heat also brings its share of frustration: broken air conditioners, traffic jams, road construction, children who say they're bored, high humidity bad hair days, and detours not recorded on your mapquest driving directions. In a second, tempers can flare and a "lazy day of summer" becomes an inferno. To help you stay cool, calm and productive during July, drink lots of water and then get "sprinkled" with doses of laughter. Try a Tee Hee, Tee Hee when you're waiting in traffic. Listen to how other people laugh and then join in. You don't need to know why they're laughing to appreciate the sounds. And, if you have had one of those "inferno" days, forgive yourself and smile away the frustration. Make it a lazy smile to go with the lazy days of summer.  



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Lynn Shaw is a laughter therapist and the creator of the
www.Self-HealingExpressions.com e-learning course "Laughter for the Healing Heart." Lynn's site is www.lynnshaw.com

Copyright (c) 2002 Lynn Shaw. All rights reserved. For permission to publish this article, email contact@selfhealingexpressions.com



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