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 Lynn's Laughter Blip for October

By Lynn Shaw, Laugh Therapist

The fall frenzy of activity escalates during the month of October. For those of us in the changing climates and seasons, it is the time to squeeze in brisk walks, great apples, and winterize homes and vehicles. For those in the year-round climates, a different emphasis may be placed on this month that can be shared universally. October is a reminder that we only have two months left to achieve our intentions for 2004, which may perpetuate the frenzy of activity. 

I suggest that we use the month of October to actually stop the frenzied pace. Slow down the brisk walk to notice the changing colors of the leaves. Bite into a succulent red delicious apple and enjoy the juice dribbling down your chin. Winterize the car and home and then enjoy a glass of apple cider afterwards. 

Humor and laughter therapy is more than getting the fun out of something. It's also claiming the joy. I truly believe that many of us are missing the joy. A life of seriousness is overcoming the spirit of joy. In the past few weeks, I have heard more comments openly made about discontentment: working too hard, enjoying less, and fearing the frenzy. I have found myself frowning more and with intensity. It is not a pretty picture or a fun feeling. 

When I catch myself in the frenzy frown, I have been intentional about doing smiling exercises. You simply stretch the smile and exaggerate it so you feel the tension leave. As I relax the smile muscles, the frown is reduced. Repeat until you are asked, "What are you smiling about?" 

Please, en-joy October. And as you reflect upon your intentions, discover if you are perpetuating the frenzy or embracing the joy. 



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Lynn Shaw is a laughter therapist and the creator of the
www.Self-HealingExpressions.com e-learning course "Laughter for the Healing Heart." Lynn's site is www.lynnshaw.com

Copyright (c) 2002 Lynn Shaw. All rights reserved. For permission to publish this article, email contact@selfhealingexpressions.com



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