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Live Your Life According To Your Own Expectations

by allinspiration.com

How often do we meet someone who is unhappy because he is stuck doing something he never wanted to and does not enjoy, but still does because that is what is expected of him?

Many people become doctors, lawyers, scientists, because their parents want them to. Many people abandon their dreams because it does not align with their loved ones' expectations.

Some people are forced to hem in the fun and funny sides to them because society dictates that people of that particular profession must conduct themselves with decorum. Some people cannot be themselves because friends don't like the real them.

A handful marry who they do because of parental and peer pressure. Some are forced to do what they do because, otherwise, their friends would desert them. And many behave the way they do to fit into society's stereotypes. The list goes on.

The only person who is guaranteed to be with you your entire life, from the moment you were born to the moment you die, is you - yourself. It is only fair that you live your life according to the hopes, dreams and expectations of this person.

Loved ones, if they are really that, should accept you for what you are, or what you want to be. Speak to them. Gently. They should understand.

Life is already tough. Meeting one's own expectations is already a challenge. Must one still carry the weight of others' and the world's expectations on one's shoulders? Ultimately, it's your life, and you should decide for yourself.




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