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She Was Not Beautiful (Poem) (continued)


The angel he loved left him for another man A richer more successful man The boy was stunned He was so hurt, he did not speak for days

The girl went to him He cried on her shoulder and she cried with him. He was hurt and she was too.

Time went by and so wounds heal The boy realises something about his friend/tutor Something he never realised before

How her laughter sounded heavenly and how her smiles brightened up the darkest days, or how simply beautiful she looked to him!

Beautiful. This plain, simple girl was beautiful to him And he began to fall. Fall so in love with this beautiful girl

On one day, he picked up all his courage to see her He walked to her house, nervous, and fidgeting, Running his thoughts over and over his head. He was going to tell her how beautiful she was to him He was going to tell her how wonderfully in love he was with her. He knocked. No one was home.

The next day, he found out that the beautiful girl he fell in love with had a brain tumour that put her into a coma. The doctors were grim and the family decided to let her go.

One final time he got to see her He held her hand He stroked her hair and he cried for this beautiful girl. He cried, but it was too late. The beautiful girl was buried and the heavens broke. Out a beautiful spring shower, a cry for their loss.

She was the most beautiful girl in the world and she had taught the rebel boy-man to love and what it is to be loved.

She was the most beautiful girl in the world.

Look around. Isn't there a lot of plain faces?

Take a good look. A real good look, or you might just miss out that beautiful person.


I should know.... wouldn't I?

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Note : The above piece has either been contributed by an anonymous submitter, or its source is unknown. If you own the copyright to it or are the original composer of the piece, and wish to claim credit for it or want it taken down, please contact us immediately. Please also inform us if you are aware of its origin.



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